[ [[/|Welcome]] ][ [[Group]] ][ [[Research]] ][ [[Publications]] ][ [[CV]] ][ [[MISC]] ][ [[http://www.jesusnetwork.eu/en/|My Christian Blog]] ][ [[Church Stuff]] ] [[https://iopscience.iop.org/book/978-0-7503-1218-9|{{book_cover.png?143}}]]\\ Institute of Physics (IOP) {{20200203_122104.jpg?350}}\\ An Official Photo at DWD 2020 ===== News RP 2023 ==== === October, November, December === * Nov 23-24, 2023: **ICON Board** in Person Meeting at Offenbach, Germany * Nov 20-22, 2023: ICON WarmWorld + ICON All-Hands + ICON gt4py Meeting * Nov 9-10, 2023: **KIAPS SAC** Science Advisory Committee Meeting, Seoul, Korea * Nov 6-8, 2023: **KIAPS International Symposium**, Seoul, Korea, from last year: [[http://kiaps-symposium.com/|2022 Symposium]] * Oct 26, 2023: Talk at NUIST, Nanjing, China: Data Assimilation of Nowcasted Observations * Oct 23+24, 2023: Informal Meeting of Western European NWP Directors at Offenbach, Germany * Oct 16-20, 2023: International Symposium on Data Assimilation (**ISDA 2023**) at Bologna, Italy. [[https://eventi.unibo.it/isda2023|ISDA]], see also ISDA Online [[https://isda-online.univie.ac.at/|Web]] * Oct 12-13, 2023: High-Performance Computing Center (**HLRZ Stuttgart/Karlsruhe**) Lenkungsausschuss, Stuttgart, Germany [[https://www.hlrs.de/|Web]] * Oct 5-6, 2023: KIT-DWD Research Coordination Steering Group [[www.cosmo-model.org|{{wiki/cosmo_countries.png?600}}]] [[https://isda-online.univie.ac.at/|{{wiki/bologna.jpeg?120}}]] [[http://kiaps-symposium.com/|{{wiki/kiaps.jpeg?110}}]] === July, August, September === * Sept 26-27, 2023: DLR-DWD Research Cooperation Steering Group * Sept 19-20, 2023: **RealPEP** (DFG Research Group) Meeting in Berlin, Germany [[https://gepris.dfg.de/gepris/projekt/320397309?language=en|DFG RealPEP]], [[https://www2.meteo.uni-bonn.de/realpep/doku.php?id=home|Web RealPEP]] * Sept 18-20, 2023: NHR Conference in Berlin, Germany [[https://events.uni-paderborn.de/event/487/|Web]] * Sept 11-15, 2023: COSMO General Meeting (**COSMO GM**) in Danzig, Poland [[https://cmm.imgw.pl/?page_id=28463|COSMO GM 2023]], see also [[https://www.cosmo-model.org/]] * Sept 11, 2023: **COSMO STC** Steering Committee in Danzig, Poland * Sept 4-8, 2023: Applied Inverse Problems (**AIP**) Conference at Göttingen, Germany [[http://www.aip2023.com/|Web]] * Aug 10-11, 2023: ICON-Seamless All-Hands Meeting in Offenbach, Germany plus Hybrid with the ICON Consortium developers [[https://www.dwd.de/EN/specialusers/research_education/seminar/2021/iccarus2021/presentations/monday_01_frueh.pdf?view=nasPublication&nn=745324|Roadmap]] * July 25-Aug 7, 2023: Scientific Visit to **Hokkaido University**, Sapporo, Japan. Working on Edition 2 of the[[https://iopscience.iop.org/book/mono/978-0-7503-1218-9|Inverse Modeling]] Book * July 24, 2023: Prof Adrian, President of DWD and WMO President retirement celebration at Offenbach, Germany [[https://www.dwd.de/EN/press/press_release/EN/2019/20190613_adrian_as_wmo_president_news.html|Web]] * July 14, 2023: LMU Munich, Visiting our HErZ Centre Branch, Cooperation with Panama ([[https://botschaft-panama.de/ger/botschafter/|Ambassador]], [[https://pancanal.com/en/ricaurte-vasquez/|CEO Canal Authority]], Director Citex [[https://pa.linkedin.com/in/juan-pimento|Juan Pimento]]) [[https://www.dkrz.de/en/dkrz-partner-for-climate-research?set_language=en|{{dkrz1.jpg?100}}]] [[https://www.dkrz.de/en/dkrz-partner-for-climate-research?set_language=en|{{dkrz2.jpg?80}}]] [[https://www.nhr-verein.de/en|{{wiki/nhr_logo.svg?100}}]] [[https://www2.meteo.uni-bonn.de/realpep/doku.php?id=home|{{wiki/realpep2022.png?200}}]] [[https://www.global.hokudai.ac.jp/|{{wiki/hokkaido.jpg?200}}]] === April, May, June 2023 === * June 14-15, 2023: **Leadership Conference** (FüKo) of DWD in Offenbach, Germany [[https://www.dwd.de/DE/derdwd/arbeitgeber/entwickeln/fuehrungskraefte.html|Web]] * June 12-13, 2023: International **GLORI Workshop** (Global-to-Regional ICON Digital Twin) at Karlsruhe Institute pf Technology (KIT), Karlsruhe, Germany * June 7, 2023: **ICON Board** meeting [[https://code.mpimet.mpg.de/projects/iconpublic|Web MPI]] [[https://www.dwd.de/EN/research/weatherforecasting/num_modelling/01_num_weather_prediction_modells/icon_description.html|Web DWD]] * June 6, 2023: National High-Performance Computing User Panel (**NHR**) Meeting [[https://www.nhr-verein.de/en/node/8|NHR Web]] Apply for computing time here [[https://www.nhr-verein.de/en/computing-time|NHR Resources]] * June 1, 2023: DWD-Google Inc. Consultation on AI for Weather Prediction at Offenbach, Germany (plus Hybrid New York, Colorado, San Francisco) * May 30, 2023: COSMO Steering Committee Meeting (**COSMO-STC**) [[https://www.cosmo-model.org/|COSMO Web]] * May 23-24, 2023: ECMWF **DestinE Member States Working Group**, Bonn, Germany. [[https://www.ecmwf.int/en/about/what-we-do/environmental-services-and-future-vision/destination-earth|Web]] * May 25, 2023: "Podium Discussion on **Randomness**" at Atelier Francfurt between Artists and Scientists [[https://www.atelierfrankfurt.de/de/|Web Atelier Frankfurt]] * May 8-10, 2023: ICON-Consolidated (**ICON-C**) Workshop in Hamburg at the German Climate Computing Centre (DKRZ), with the partners from Max-Planck-Institute for Meteorology (MPI-M), Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), DKRZ, C2SM and DWD [[https://www.dkrz.de/en/dkrz-partner-for-climate-research?set_language=en|Web]] ICON-C is our development theme for consolidation of the ICON model adapting it to emerging computing architectures. * May 4, 2023: Earth System Modeling (**ESM-W**) Workshop at DWD/ Hybrid with MPI-M and ICON Partners. The project jointly with GeoInfoDienst BW and the ICON Consortium partners aims at developing a coupled ICON atmospheric and ocean forecasting system on the weather scale. * April 27, 2023: Webinar Intelligent Cloud Operators for Numerical Weather Prediction (**ICamCloudOps**), see [[https://reuniwatt.com/en/2023/03/27/webinar_dwd_reuniwatt_icamcloudops_2023/|Contents]] * April 21, 2023: **ITMS Workshop**, Offenbach, Germany (International Greenhouse Gas Monitoring System) [[https://www.dwd.de/EN/climate_environment/climatemonitoring/greenhousegas/greenhousegas_node.html|Web]]. We develop a greenhouse gas data assimilation, monitoring, inversion and forecasting system. * April 19, 2023: Opening of the exhibition **70 Years between Nature and Society** at the **German Parliament** (Deutscher Bundestag), Paul-Löbe-Haus, Berlin * April 12-14 Exhibition Setup for 70 Years between Nature and Society at Deutscher Bundestag, Paul-Löbe-Haus, Berlin, Diorama of NWP from observations to forecasting * April 13, 2023: **ICON Board** Meeting [[https://reuniwatt.com/en/2023/03/27/webinar_dwd_reuniwatt_icamcloudops_2023/|{{wiki/icco_2023_banner_1000px.png?150}}]] [[https://www.dwd.de/EN/climate_environment/climatemonitoring/greenhousegas/greenhousegas_node.html|{{wiki/greenhousegas_picture.png?100}}]] [[https://www.dwd.de/DE/wetter/thema_des_tages/2023/4/30.html|{{wiki/paul_loebe_haus.jpg?130}}]] [[https://www.dwd.de/DE/wetter/thema_des_tages/2023/4/30.html|{{wiki/paul_loebe_haus2.jpg?110}}]] === January, February, March 2023 === * March 30-31, 2023: National Earth System Modeling (**natESM**) Strategy workshop (natESM) at Berlin, Germany, see [[https://nat-esm.de/]]. The ICON model is chosen as core component of the national ESM strategy. * March 21-24, 2023: Leadership meeting of Research and Development Department Heads at the Meteorological Observatory Lindenberg, Germany * March 17, 2023: DWD ITMS Workshop, Offenbach, Germany (International Greenhouse Gas Monitoring System) [[https://www.dwd.de/EN/climate_environment/climatemonitoring/greenhousegas/greenhousegas_node.html|Web]]. * March 15, 2023: Coordination Group Numerical Weather Prediction (**KG-NWV**) at DWD * March 9-11, 2023: **Village AI** at Global Industrie 2023 a Lyon, France, with Podium Discussion on AI Innovation and with a Presentation of our CONTRAILS AI Project [[https://global-industrie.com/en/home|Web]] * March 6-9, 2023: **ICCARUS Workshop** (=ICON COSMO CLM ART User Seminar) at DWD, Offenbach, Germany with a survey presentation on the NWP development at DWD [[https://www.dwd.de/EN/specialusers/research_education/seminar/2023/iccarus2023/iccarus_2023_en_node.html|Web]]. ICCARUS is our main research focussed development workshop for the ICON model. * Feb 30/March 3: **GLORI** (Global-to-Regional ICON) Digital Twin Workshop Bologna, Italy * Feb 27-29: **IDEA-S4S** German Italian Research Programme Workshop, Bologna, Italy [[https://www.dwd.de/DE/forschung/forschungsprogramme/idea_s4s/downloads/idea_s4s_konzept_20220318_en.pdf|Background]] Coordinating the GLORI activities with the European Destination Earth (DestinE) programme [[https://digital-strategy.ec.europa.eu/en/policies/destination-earth|DestinE EU]] * Feb 15-16, 2023: DWD Department Heads Retreat in Braunschweig, Germany * Feb 13-14, 2023: ICON Licence Working Group Meeting Munich * Feb 13, 2023: **ICON Board** Meeting * Jan 2023: 4-Weeks Redesign Exercise for variational Data Assimilation System of DWD [[https://www.dwd.de/EN/specialusers/research_education/seminar/2023/iccarus2023/iccarus_2023_en_node.html|{{seminare_iccarus_2023_logo_en.png?110}}]] [[https://global-industrie.com/en/home|{{wiki/global_industrie_2023.png?100}}]] [[https://digital-strategy.ec.europa.eu/en/policies/destination-earth|{{wiki/destine.jpeg?65}}]] [[nat-esm.de|{{wiki/natesm_small.png?100}}]] Previous News [[news_rp_2022|News RP 2022]], [[news_rp_2021|News RP 2021]], [[news_rp_2020|News RP 2020]], [[news_rp_2019|News RP 2019]], [[news_rp_2018|News RP 2018]], [[news_rp_2017|News RP 2017]], [[news_rp_2016|News RP 2016]].